What our Research Centre offers...

Laboratory equipment and machinery

Our laboratories are well equipped with high-tech machinery to analyse data fully in-house and efficiently.

Research Experts

Our experts welcome research enthusiasts and interested graduates to pursue research on sustainability, Catalysis, CO2 Hydrogenation, Photocatalytic Water Splitting, Nanophotonics, Metamaterials, Plasmonics, 2D Material for Sensors, AI-assisted Material Design, Absorption studies, Corrosion Protection and Inhibition


We offer research collaborations, consultancies, training on our in-house equipment and machinery, exposure and opportunities with our stakeholders locally and internationally


Breadth modules & Compulsory modules


Quality publications are assured for students and academics alike


A centre of excellence for advanced material and energy research


To support economic diversification in Brunei Darussalam through innovation and high quality graduate training (Wawasan 2035)

Get in Touch

Find us at the office

Science and Technology Research Building
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Jalan Tungku Link, BE1410
Brunei Darussalam

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